Our Methodology
Our methodology in dissecting and organizing the journey of talent through an organization begins with our definition of a Talent-Led community.
Talent-Led community is our approach to treat talent as community members towards cultivating their contribution and practicing hiring processes through online community platforms, resulting in:
Talent co-creating the culture and processes of the organization
Increasing the number of highly suitable job candidates
Decreasing the time to offers
Increasing the likelihood of long-term retention amongst talent
We explain this approach and deliver its installation into an organization through a Talent-Led Community Cycle as below 👇🏻
The Talent-Led Community Cycle
The Talent-Led community cycle divides the stages of the journey that talent is taking inside an organization into three to be treated as a separate community each, however interlinked with each other as below:
Candidate Community. This is the group of candidates that are interested in your organization, however organized and treated as a community where each candidate is a member.
Employee Community. This community is comprised of employees of an organization, once again organized within a community setting.
Alumni Community. Alumni are the people who worked for your organization for any length of time. One of the most underutilized of resources, organizing and treating alumni as a community brings considerable dividends.
One: A Talent-Led Candidate Community
A Talent-Led candidate community involves converting a group of candidates into a proper and functioning 'candidate community'. As TalentLed, we provide all the strategic components required for you to be able to organize a community ecosystem for your candidates, where they can join, connect with your talent management teams and 'get prepared' towards future employment with you through programs that we can design together.
A Talent-Led candidate community, amongst many others, may bring the following advantages for the organization:
A much better understanding of candidate backgrounds, motivations and career expectations, while allowing the candidate to understand the organizational culture and expectations better and more clearly
An opportunity to 'invest' in the candidate through community-based training programs and opportunities - a 'win-win' situation for both sides as candidates grow professionally and the organization elevates the skills of their talent base even before hiring, thus reducing 'time to hire' drastically
A great environment for existing employees - or even alumni - to interact with and support the candidates, fostering a sense of unity and community amongst everyone who interacted with the organization
Two: A Talent-Led Employee Community
While there is an increased awareness of and focus on 'employee experience' and employer branding in recent times, there are very few examples of employees of organizations being treated as, or converted to, successful 'communities'.
Employees of an organizations form impromptu and informal 'communities' inside and outside the workplace anyway, and organizing this tendency to form a comprehensive and official 'employee community' could bring considerable dividends for the organization, both in short and long term. As TalentLed, we bring the tried-and-tested strategic components and engagement tactics to make your employees feel that they are part of a thriving, supporting community at work.
A Talent-Led employee community may bring the following advantages for the organization:
A much increased sense of teamwork and professional support amongst employees - particularly in remote teams and settings - as communities are all about members helping and elevating each other
Easy fostering and elevation of a feeling of 'employer brand advocacy' amongst employees, something that is present and popular amongst the workers of super-brands of today
Much increased opportunities for anonymous and confidential feedback, expectation management and thus increase in employee retention, culminating in a sense of affection for the employer brand that continues well during alumni status
Three: A Talent-Led Alumni Community
It is frustrating to see that the 'alumni' of organizations get the least attention and limelight in talent management - we feel that this is a hugely missed opportunity, as alumni may be able to bring many benefit to an organization, particularly when they are organized in effective communities. Alumni organizations have existed in academia and also in various industries for a long time, but it has only been recently possible to keep them engaged and thriving continuously thanks to the advent of digital communication and community platforms and technologies, and proliferation of digital content.
At TalentLed we take great pride in our focus on alumni of an organization, where we do not only consider the talent who has left an organization as alumni but those who have started their departure journey as well! Our Talent-Led alumni community is much more than just keeping the ex-employees in contact; it is also supporting the talent in transition by offering them opportunities to 'outskill' to help them hit the ground running at the next stage of their organization, therefore elevating the employee branding hugely.
A TalentLed alumni community may bring the following advantages for the organization:
A possibility to convert the alumni into 'employee brand ambassadors' in other companies, markets and industries, enabling them to attract and refer highly suitable candidates for the organization's future needs
An opportunity for the alumni to keep contributing to the employer's other communities through interactions with existing employees and candidates through mentoring, coaching, helping with introduction to company culture or similar
Alumni are great future candidates and employees for the organization as 'boomerang' hires, as they know the company culture and have an affinity to contribute again, this time with the additional professional skills that they would have gained elsewhere towards bigger responsibilities
Interested? Here is the list of solutions that we provide 👉🏻